Quick Pallet Maker

Using The Layer Editor - Part II

This example explains how the Layer Editor can be used for mixing different boxes in the same pallet with custom configurations. In this case, the shipper wants to send a pallet with trays and blue boxes to a customer. The customer requested 60 trays and as many blue boxes they could fit.

Start from the previous example, if you do not know the previus steps, please visit: Using The Layer Editor - Part I. Download this box, you will use it during this example.

Layer Editor

We are going to move the boxes at the bottom of the view to the bottom edge of the pallet to make a space in the middle. Set the Y value to 600 on the Position chart.

Layer Editor

Press the button Copy Selected Layer to duplicate the layer we just did to the entire pallet. If you would like to check the new pallet arrangment use Show Full Pallets option and Toggle Pallet View on the View menu.

Layer Editor

To import the blue boxes go to File > Insert > Box and select the blue box you just downloaded at the beginning of this exercise.

Layer Editor

Layer Editor

Place the blue box between the trays, to do that you can drag and drop the blue box to the final position and use the Position chart.

Layer Editor

Once the box is in place, select the blue box and go to Edit > Duplicate and a new box will appear, place the box next to the first. Repeat this step to fill the empty space between the trays.

Layer Editor

Layer Editor

Press the button Copy Selected Layer to duplicate the arrangment to the entire pallet. If you would like to check how the pallet looks use Show Full Pallets option and Toggle Pallet View on the View menu. .

Layer Editor

Layer Editor

Press OK button to use this pallet. If you prefer you can add pallet straps on the View menu.

Layer Editor

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