Quick Pallet Maker Help

Advanced Features Starting from Box Dimensions

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Quick Pallet Maker allows the user to try different types of pallets and pallet sizes to fit one or a shipment of boxes. This is done through a window that can be accessed using the Tools -> Advanced Input Options command.

The window has two sections:

  • Inventory: select from a list of pallets
  • NewPallet: create new pallets from range of dimensions

This section allows you to pick which pallets to test a given list of boxes or a shipment of boxes. The table will display the list of pallets to pick from. Clicking on Optimize Sections will show only the best result for a shipment.


In this tab, there is a table where the user can set the minimum and maximum values for Load Length, Load Width and Load Height. The application will iterate and then find the optimal size to fit as many boxes as possible in the minimum space.

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