Quick Pallet Maker menus

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Quick Pallet Maker Menu (macOS only)
  • About Quick Pallet Maker: Displays the About box which contains information about the program. If the user has not registered the application, the register button will show. Click on the window (or press Escape) to close it.
  • Register This menu will display the Register window. If the user has already registered the application, this menu will be disabled (gray).
  • Buy QPM Use this command to visit a web page where you can buy Quick Pallet Maker licenses.
  • Activate Serial Number Registers the serial number with the QPM server. This is usually unnecessary since QPM will do it automatically.
  • Deactivate Serial Number Use this command when you encounter an error of QPM being used on more than computer at once.
File Menu
  • New Data Sheet
    • Start from primary package: This command will open a new window that allows pallet calculations based on PP data, using the default settings. If autosave has been checked, then the program will open the last saved file.
    • Box on Pallet: Opens the simplified input window where the user works with box dimensions and pallet restrictions only, using default settings. Autosave will not work in this window.
    • Fill Standard Cases: Opens a window for calculating the amount of primary packages that can be filled into a box.
    • Patterns: Opens a window for calculating and selecting 2D pallet patterns.
    • Fill Container: The container fill window will be opened with this command.
  • Close Closes the frontmost document window. Will not close the standard cases and pallets window.
  • Load Input Data Prompts the user to open a text file that contains saved input, box or pallet data. Will open a new window if there is none open.
  • Save Input Data Prompts the user to save a text file containing the primary package input data (.qpm). If the file has previously been saved, will overwrite it. If not, will save with a new name.
  • Save As... Prompts the user to save the primary package input file with a new name.
  • Insert...
    • Primary Package
    • Box
    • Pallet
    • Container
    • Shipment
  • Export...
    • Primary Package
      • File (XML)
      • Drawing (SVG)
    • Box
      • File (XML): Will save the box data using XML (eXtensible Markup Language). XML is a very appropriate means for working with third-party applications.
      • Drawing (SVG): If this command is selected, the user will be prompted to provide the name of a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file so that he/she can save the box graphics. SVG files are text-based and a sub-set of XML (sanctioned by the World Wide Web Consortium). SVG file occupy very little disk space and as a vector graphics, will not lose detail when its scale is changed. For more information, please visit http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/.
    • Pallet
      • File (XML)
      • Text: Saves the report text as a tab-delimited text file. This file can later be imported into a third-party spreadsheet application or word processor.
      • to MS Excel: Creates a tab-delimited text file with the ".xls" extension that can be easily opened with the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software. This file contains the data for the selected pallet.
      • Box Coordinates: This command was created for exporting a comma-delimited file with the coordinates (x,y and z) and orientation (0-5) of all of the boxes on the selected pallet. Export Box Coordinates is only available from the Available Solutions window. This comma-delimited file is especially useful for importing into an automatic (robot) packing machine.
      • Pallet Results
      • Best per SKU (XML)
      • Best per SKU (XLS)
      • Best per SKU (Ti/Hi)
    • Container
      • File (XML)
      • Drawing (SVG)
      • Detailed Report (SVG)
      • Graphics
      • to MS Excel
    • Shipment
      • File (XML)
      • to MS Excel
  • Load Solutions This command allows the selection of a folder so Quick Pallet Maker can read all the pallet files located in the said folder and load them into the list at the bottom of the Available Solutions window.
  • Save Solutions Saves the selected pallets from the Available Solutions window into a folder to be chosen by the user. The resulting pallets are saved in individual files and named incrementally starting from "Detailed Report0000.txt".
  • Open Report This operation will load a pallet file onto the foremost document window (starting from Primary Package). If the Available Solutions window is visible, then it will add a pallet to the list at the bottom of the window and open the Detailed Report window. If the Input window is visible, then it will open the Detailed Report window and show the pallet.
  • Save Report Prompts the user to save the detailed report in the frontmost window. Creates a text file in XML format that contains all the information for the selected pallet. Although this file's extension is ".txt", it is a true XML file and can be used as such.
  • Page Setup When this command is enabled, it can be used to select the page layout for printing. Landscape is recommended for all printouts, except for HTML preview in browser.
  • Print Report
    • If in the Available Solutions window, this command will open a new window with the list of selected pallets and their content.
    • From the Detailed Report window, this command will print the Quick Report if the command is selected when looking at the first tab. If the user is looking at the second tab, it will open a web browser (Page Setup needs to be in Portrait mode) to preview the report that can be later printed. If the user has selected the third or the fourth tab, the printout (Landscape mode recommended) will be of the pallet views or of the RSC carton flat view, respectively.
    • If the user is viewing a container in the second tab of the Container Fill window, then it can be printed using this command.
  • Quit Quits Quick Pallet Maker.
Edit Menu
  • Paste (Detailed Report) Will paste the clipboard graphics onto the logo section. (Standard Cases window) Will paste tab-delimited data copied from a text file or spreadsheet onto the selected standard box list.
  • Clear Deletes a box in the Layer Editor window.
  • Duplicate (Standard Box window) Creates new identical standard boxes, pallets or containers based on the selected box, pallet or container, respectively. (Results window) Creates identical pallets or boxes, based on the selection. This command is useful for creating mixed pallet loads. (Layer Editor) Creates a duplicate of the selected box, placed outside of the pallet arrangement.
  • Text Size The purpose of this menu item is to change the text size of the HTML Editor window in the second tab of the Detailed Report.
  • Text Font Changes the font in which the text in all Quick Pallet Maker windows will be displayed. This change needs to be made from an open document window (starting from PP or from Box).
Tools Menu
  • Recalculate Collects the data in the Input Window (starting from box or PP dimensions) and calculates the case dimensions and the pallet arrangements. If the user has selected a box in the Results window, will try to calculate three pallets from that case. (Container Fill) Will calculate optimized containers when selected from the first tab of the container fill window.
  • Calculate Multiple Boxes The purpose of this command is to mix multiple box sizes in a pallet sequence. The procedure is the following:
    • first, it creates as many full pallets as it can, depending on the amount of boxes per type,
    • then, it mixes the remaining boxes of all types in the order that was set in the list.
  • Change Data Returns to the previous panel when located in either the Detailed Report window, the Available Solutions window or in the second tab of the Container Fill window.
  • Advanced Input Options Opens the window from which the input data can be set to a range for finding an optimal solution to a given problem.
  • Load Multiple Packages When starting from Primary Package input, this command will open a window in which the user can add a list of multiple package types and amounts.
  • Dividers Will open the window in which the user can set the divider type and the internal case slack.
  • Fill Container When located in the Available Solutions window, this command will open the Container Fill window and add the selected pallet(s) to the list.
  • Layer Editor When located in the Available Solutions window, this command will open the Layer Editor window so the user can work with the selected pallet.
  • Pallet Actions - Optimize Tries to create a new pallet with an optimized arrangement, based on the boxes and pallet restrictions of a selected pallet.
  • Pallet Actions - Optimize and Flip Cases Creates two new pallets with optimized arrangements of flipped cases (i.e. on their sides), based on the boxes and pallet restrictions of the selected pallet.
  • Pallet Actions - Mix layers and optimize in height This command will create a new pallet that mixes the first layer of each one of the selected pallets. The layers are mixed to fit as many boxes as possible within the available height.
  • Pallet Actions - Alternate Layers Creates a new pallet with the boxes organized in mirrored layers for added pallet stability. If the pallet arrangement is regular (i.e. Types 1 or 2), then the new pallet will be created by mixing layers type 1 and type 2 (with lengthwise and transversal boxes).
  • Pallet Actions - Mix Pallet Creates a new pallet with one of each of the first layers of the selected pallets.
  • Pallet Actions - Display Box Length Creates a new pallet in which the boxes are placed in such a way that as many boxes as possible show the longest face outwards.
  • Pallet Actions - Display Box Width Creates a new pallet in which the boxes are placed in such a way that as many boxes as possible show the shortest face outwards.
  • Pallet Actions - Generate Stable Pallets This command alternates the boxes on the pallet so that lengthwise and transversal columns follow each other. The resulting pallet type is more stable (although doesn't necessarily fit more boxes).
  • Create Shipment If the user has started by adding packages in the Multiple Packages window with an amount greater than zero, this command will create as many of the selected pallets to fulfill the shipment. This action is especially useful for combining with the container load feature.
  • Distribute Load Weight This command centers the load in a container for better handling.
  • Power Sort When selecting this option, it will open a new window from which the user can select the criteria for ordering the list of pallets.
  • Box Compression Opens a new window where the user can calculate and assign the minimum top-to-bottom compression for all the boxes in a given pallet.
  • Units (mm/kg, in/lbs or cm/kg) Three options are given in this menu item. The first changes the units from the most visible window to millimeters for length and kilograms for weight, the second changes to cm/kg and the third changes to inches/lbs.
  • Round Numbers If this option is checked, all calculation results for lengths will be displayed without decimals. If it isn't checked, then the lengths will be displayed with two decimals. This doesn't affect the weight results, which are always displayed with two decimals.
  • Settings (Windows OS) Opens the Preferences window where the user can change the program settings.
  • Convert data on unit change If the user has introduced data into the window starting from primary package dimensions, then having this option checked will convert all the values when a different unit is selected.
View Menu
  • Color Displays the primary package, box and pallet drawings in color.
  • Black and White Displays the primary package, box, pallet and container drawings in black and white. This is especially useful for printing to monochrome printers.
  • Internal Box View / Stretch-Wrap This command will make the drawing show the box contents. If the box is empty, then a gray frame will be shown.
  • External Box View If the user is looking at a RSC box or an open tray, this command will show the closed carton or the external view of the tray, respectively.
  • Open Box / Empty Tray If the user is looking at a RSC box, it will show the box open. If the user is looking at a tray, it will show the tray with nothing inside.
  • View Box Contents This command will show the box contents in a cross-section view.
  • Spread Primary Packages If this option is checked, the primary package layers will separate as the sliding bar at the right of the box drawing in the Available Solutions window is moved upwards.
  • One Pallet Layer Clicking here when in the Available Solutions window will display the pallet drawing with the first layer visible only.
  • All Pallet Layers Clicking here when in the Available Solutions window will display all the pallet layers.
  • Show Corner Posts When checked, the pallet drawings show the four corner posts providing support to the pallet. The width of the corner post carton can be assigned from the first tab of the Preferences (Options) window.
  • Show Top Cap When checked, a corrugated carton layer will be placed on top of the pallets in the drawings.
  • Show Layer Pads When checked, one corrugated carton sheet will be placed between each one of the pallet layers.
  • Show Pallet Straps When checked, the pallet drawing will show a pair of straps per pallet side holding the boxes in place.
  • Show Box Tape When checked, the pallet drawing will show all boxes with a strap of box sealing tape.
  • Empty Tray If the pallet contains trays, this option will show them without contents on the pallet drawing. This is useful for visualizing the tray location which can be confusing with all of the primary packages in place.
  • Toggle Pallet View If the user is looking at the Available Solutions window, at the Layer Editor or at the Pallet Views tab of the Detailed Report window, this option will change the pallet view (front, left, top or 3D). In the case of the Pallet Views tab drawing, it will also switch to the combined view.
Window Menu
  • Detailed Report Shows the detailed palletizing report window.
  • Std. Cases and Pallets Displays the standard case and pallets window. Opens the std. case window if there are no windows open.
  • Documents Displays the names of the documents that are open. The front-most window name will be checked.
Help Menu
  • Quick Pallet Maker Help Opens this help in HTML format.
  • Software Forum This command opens your default web browser and redirects it to our software forum where you can post open questions about our software and read what others have asked.
  • Quick Poll This command opens your default web browser and redirects it to a quick questionnaire.
  • About Quick Pallet Maker (Windows) Opens the about box.
  • Register (Windows) Displays the registration box. Disabled if the user has already registered.
  • Buy QPM (Windows) Commences the online process for purchasing QPM to obtain your serial number. We appreciate it greatly when you select this command.

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