What's New in Quick Pallet Maker 7

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Quick Pallet Maker 7 is a new software version that delivers better standard box fill, additional container fill options and overall improvements in speed and stability. Main improvements are the following:

  • Container Fill Shipment tab now includes shipping cost information.
  • Pasting boxes now uses the carton information that had been set in the window.
  • Added a Container Fill algorithm that only flips the top box layer.
  • Primary package shipments now can produce a combination of boxes where some items are included and others are left outside.
  • Small box warning: if you are entering a box size that is too small, you will be alerted.
  • Standard Pallets per Customer in Box Shipment.
  • If using overhang on a fixed Ti/Hi pallet calculation, QPM will start from the dimensions of the pallet itself.

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