Vehicle Space Optimization
The QPM Vehicle Space Optimizer is a software application that uses product rules to optimize the available load volume of a truck, distribute product weight across vehicle axles and allow the manual movement of products across internal bays or compartments. It can be used for primary transportation or secondary transportation (T1 or T2).
Truck fill optimization with shipment orders
VSO optimizes the truck fill labor using the SKU lists and the shipment order, using efficiently the available space on the vehicle while respecting the load constraints for each case depending on the product and truck types.
Truck Shipments
Load Constraints
VSO allows you to model your business constraints, giving the user a group of rules that can be apply on the product types, to avoid product damages and reduce the loss, as for example: SKUs mix of on the same pallet, stacking position, maximum amount per product type and others.
Product Classes
Axle Weights
When filling a truck with VSO it takes into account the maximum weight allowed by legislation depending of the truck type, avoiding infractions and penalties. The legal weight limits for each set of axles are easy to configure by the user.
Axle Weights Calculations
Pallet Ticket and Bill of Materials
After the truck optimization and as supporting documents, you can print a report that will help you in the assembly of each pallet on the truck (Ticket Pallet), indicating the SKU and quantity and if there are standard pallets. Depending on the type of Ticket Pallet it will also give you the recommended order of the products for assembling the pallet. The Bill of Material is another useful document that helps the driver at the delivery time because he will know exactly where the orders are located on the truck.
Pallet Arrangements